Mortgage Calculators

If you’re starting on your mortgage journey, you’ll want to know how much you could borrow. Our free mortgage calculators will give you the jump start you need! Our calculators do not require a credit check so they will not impact your credit score.

Mortgage Calculators

If you’re starting on your mortgage journey, you’ll want to know how much you could borrow. Our free mortgage calculators will give you the jump start you need! Our calculators do not require a credit check so they will not impact your credit score.

What are mortgage calculators and how do they work?

Do you ever ask yourself, how much can I borrow for a mortgage? If so, using a mortgage calculator will give a clearer picture of this.

Essentially, a mortgage repayment calculator is there to help you calculate mortgage payments and affordability. This could be a standard residential mortgage, a Buy-to-Let, or even a remortgage.

Each calculator works differently; however, they all follow the same principle. You follow the specific calculator steps, filling out the information you’re asked for. Then, depending on the calculator, you will be given an outcome about the mortgage.

For example:

– An affordability calculator can act as a guide to how much you could borrow based on your income

– A Right-to-Buy calculator can give an indication of mortgage affordability for a Right-to-Buy scheme.

Calculation results should not be considered as a quote. Make sure you read the separate Key Facts Illustration (KFI) or European Standard Information Sheet (ESIS) before making a decision.


Our quick mortgage calculators can give you an indication of how much you could borrow depending on your circumstances.

Why should I use a mortgage calculator?

Mortgage calculators can be an essential part of the planning process when looking to get a mortgage. No matter your circumstances, you’ll need to know how much you can borrow with your deposit. This goes for first-time buyers, landlords, foreign nationals, and anyone looking to remortgage.

This will allow you to budget both before you have got a mortgage and once you have obtained one. Using calculators can be a huge benefit to you throughout the process.

Are mortgage calculators accurate?

Mortgage calculators can give an indication of how much you could borrow based on your circumstances. However, because everyone’s situation is unique, mortgage calculators are not 100% accurate. That’s why it’s best to speak to a mortgage advisor to help you get the best deal.