Mortgage Applications

Mortgage Applications

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Author: Carl Shave - CEO and co-founder
Last updated: 11 Mar 2025

Mortgage Affordability Calculator

Use our Mortgage Affordability Calculator to complete your income details, to give you an idea of how much you may be able to borrow.

The Mortgage Application Process

The whole mortgage journey starts with the initial stage of making that first contact. Of all the steps this can sometimes feel the most daunting that is perhaps simply due to the unknown.

What do you need to get a mortgage?

If you want to know how to get a mortgage, we’ve put a handy list of what you will need and why they are required.

Mortgage deposits

One of the most common questions asked by prospective property buyers, whether this be for their own personal use or as a buy to let, is how much deposit do I need to buy a house?

What does a mortgage broker do

What does a good mortgage broker do for you? To help answer this we’ve put a guide together of what you should expect.

Guarantor Mortgages

There is much confusion in the public domain in regard to guarantors for mortgages so, here are a few areas to highlight that will hopefully look to clarify a few of these for you.