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Customer Service Is Our Priority

Published: 16 September 2022
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Author: Carl Shave - CEO and co-founder
Last updated: 13Feb2025

It is increasingly difficult to speak to a human being when you want advice about your personal finances, including viable mortgage options.

With banks closing over 5000 branches across the country, there is an expectation that everything can be done online. But it can’t. Making a phone call to virtually any service provider inevitably leads to having to listen to messages advising you to visit their website, or wait, and wait, whilst listening to scratchy music and more messages from a computer ‘bot’. These business’ seem to hope that customers will give up – as so many do – without ever being transferred to someone who can help!

Instead of acknowledging that some people will be struggling with the cost of living, and want to ensure that they manage their income and expenditure efficiently, with the best advice, the service sector is failing to rise to these challenges.

Having access to specialists is especially important when dealing with specific aspects of the property sector, for example people who are self-employed, or those with potential credit issues, as well as planning investment in Buy-to-Let.

At Just Mortgage Brokers we pride ourselves on the highest standards of customer service. When you contact us, you will speak to a real person who will assist you where they can or direct your call to the most appropriate person who can discuss your priorities in confidence. Our advisers will talk you through the most appropriate mortgage deals to realise your ambitions for the current and long term.

Just give us a call.