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The Guide for Checkmyfile

Published: 27 July 2022
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Author: Carl Shave - CEO and co-founder
Last updated: 13Feb2025

We are frequently asked, how do I view my credit report? And it goes without saying that finding the right credit reference agency can be difficult. This is because there are so many to choose from, with each agency giving you a different credit score.

Checkmyfile.com is one of the most popular ways to check your credit report, so we’ve put a guide together to explain who they are and how they work.

What is Checkmyfile?

Checkmyfile proclaim on their site to offer the most detailed online credit report. Whilst we can’t confirm this to be true, based on our experience we see little reason to dispute it. Some of their other key points are:

  • Their report provides information from three different credit reference agencies. *
  • Relatively easy to cancel your subscription via Freephone or online.
  • A guarantee to never sell your personal data
  • Consistently rated excellent on the review site, Trustpilot
  • Gives an independent view with your Checkmyfile credit score

*Data provided from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion (previously known as Callcredit).

How do I access my Checkmyfile login?

AAccessing your Checkmyfile login could not be simpler. All you need to do is visit their site Checkmyfile.com where you can sign up or login.

When you sign up, you’re offered a 30 day free trial and then it costs £14.99* per month after the trial ends. Checkmyfile allow you to cancel your subscription at any time.

There is also a 30-day free trial period which can be accessed through their website too. The other information you will require is relatively basic, such as your name, address and email address. Once set up you can simply log in with your chosen email address and password, together with your date of birth.

* Pricing correct at the time of writing this article (27.9.23).

What information is on checkmyfile?

Checkmyfile provides a range of information about the individual using it, this includes the following:

  • Any lines of credit you have taken out. This can be a mortgage, phone contracts and payday loans.
  • Any missed or late payments will be shown.
  • More serious events such as County Court Judgements (CCJs) and bankruptcies will also show.
  • If you have registered on the electoral roll, this will appear. People commonly do so to improve their credit score.
  • If an ex-partner or housemate with bad credit has accounts linked to your name. This could potentially bring your credit score down.
  • If someone has attempted or has committed identity fraud, the credit reference agencies may have flagged this. This will be shown on Checkmyfile.
  • 6 years of your repayment performance can be accessed too.

How to cancel Checkmyfile subscription?

Once you have finished with your requirements of Checkmyfile you may wish to cancel your membership. can be done in one of two simple ways:

  • Checkmyfile cancellation by phone:

You can cancel your subscription by calling them on 0800 086 9360 between Monday and Friday from 9am to 5pm (except bank holidays).

  • Checkmyfile cancellation online:

By logging into your Checkmyfile account you can opt to cancel your account online. Once logged in, click on “Expert Help” and then “I Need Help With My Account”. Then select “I’d like to stop my subscription”.

Remember, at your first time of applying for Checkmyfile.com you will be offered a 30-day free trial. We do also recommend you read their terms and conditions so you are fully aware of the cancellation terms.

What is a good credit score on Checkmyfile?

Each credit reference agency defines a ‘good credit score’ differently. You should also remember that lenders will have their own internal credit scoring systems in place too.

Having a good Checkmyfile credit score will provide a better chance of success when applying for a mortgage. This doesn’t mean if you have an average or low score that you can’t get a mortgage. You may just need to use a specialist lender instead.

Checkmyfile credit score is out of 1000, with the higher the score the better they deem your credit rating to be. For example, a credit score of 886 out of 1000 will give you a “very good” rating by them.

Is Checkmyfile worth it?

At the time of writing, the monthly fee for Checkmyfile.com is £14.99. Deciding if this is worth it depends on what you may be looking to use it for. If you just want your credit file as a one off, paying monthly may not be good value for money. Therefore the free 30-day trial period will be well-suited to you.

If you wish to closely monitor your credit history and build up your score, instant access will be much more beneficial. The good news is, there is no minimum sign-up period so you can cancel when you don’t need it anymore. Some of the things you may wish to use it for are:

  • Obtaining a copy of your credit information from three different agencies.
  • Looking for any discrepancies or differences on your record.
  • Identifying the problem accounts and looking to resolve any issues.
  • Tracking your balances.
  • Monitoring your borrowing or credit facilities over a six-year period.
  • Viewing any key changes such as when you open or close an account, or if you miss a payment.
  • Finding out who has been carrying out searches on you over the last two years.

How often does Checkmyfile update?

The information on your credit file can determine if you’re accepted for a mortgage or not. Therefore, you should keep all your information up to date. Lenders with their own internal credit score system will use the information provided by one or more credit reference agencies to make this decision.

Most credit reports are updated once a month, however, some information can be updated faster than others. Remember, there will likely be a difference between what’s shown on your credit file and what your balance actually is. For example, if you have recently paid something off or reduced a balance just before your mortgage application is made.

If in doubt, work on the principle that it will not be updated in time and put the balance before the payment on the application and advise the lender that it has been or will be repaid.

How to read your Checkmyfile report

Check my file credit reports provide you with lot of different facts and figures over a 6 year period. This can for some provide quite a large amount of information. Checkmyfile divides this information in separate sections of:

  • Payment and credit history: A detailed overview of your credit history over the last six-years.
  • Address and electoral role information: A record of your registered address history and your electoral roll status.
  • Court information: Check records for things such as CCJs, Debt Relief Orders or insolvency.
  • Identity fraud: Check possible Cifas records registered against your address.

Once someone has obtained their report, it may be unclear how this will affect their mortgage application. If you are in the same position, feel free to reach out and we can pair you with one of our specialist brokers.

Does Checkmyfile damage my credit score? 

Some people may think that by accessing their Checkmyfile report it will negatively impact their credit score. This is far from the truth, as it won’t affect their credit score at all. If anything, having access to your report may help you rebuild or improve your rating.